This Digital Exhibition
is in response to the challenges COVID-19 posed to a physical and live exhibition which was originally planned to present the production aspect of my research practice for the degree of MPhil in Education.
Hand Woven Kente Cloth From Bonwire:
Worn by Professor Alison Phipps to play the role of an international live model for Naa Densua’s designs. A decolonising turn as against a cultural appropriation move.
OBAA SIMA The Design Sketch
Initial design sketches based on the idea of a meeting point of Ghanian textile and the western styled wedding gown.
‘OBAA SIMA’ as part of the The Kelvingrove Galleries and Museum Cultural Connections Installation
Commissioned by Glasgow Life as part of the collection
Tie Dye Textile Created and Produced with Participants at Noyam African Dance Institute.
From Textile to Costume:
Working with Ha Orchestra on the 5th Anniversary Celebration Performance at the St Cecilia’s Hall – University of Edinburgh at the European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) 2019
Wax Prints
Since the establishment of wax and roller prints industry in Ghana over a century ago, the industry has provided clothing and determined fashion trends in the lives of Ghanaians. Wax and Roller prints has become a platform for Ghanaians and a shared culture that cuts across ethnic boundaries and taste in fashion in an environment where there is a constant fusion and mix of cultures. Wax and roller prints reflects on and addresses some of the communal and environmental issues that occur and affect the society.